Thursday, July 29, 2010

As I have gotten older and now have many, many grandchildren I realise that a lot of the old ways have been either forgotten or not taught anymore. I wanted to create this blog to help give the young an insight to what we had as kids, to share what I know & to appreciate their culture.
I was born & raised on Raukkan and lived there until age 6 and a half. My mother did not marry my father so although white skinned I was brought up in my mothers traditional culture of The Ngarrindjerri Nation. My mother could not find a lot of work on or close to Raukkan so she was given a permit & went to the north of South Australia to work on large cattle stations as a maid, nanny & cook. I was left to be brought up by my Nanas sister my great aunt Susie Mac. I was truly loved by all my relatives and well cared for home on Raukkan. We lived in a small white washed cottage on the shores of beautiful Lake Alexandrina: then I was taken away forcibly by the Goverment to live in an Institution in Adelaide & did not see Raukkan or my relatives again until my mother stole me back. She came & got me & my brother from the local Primary School we were attending. I was 11 & my brother was 8. Over the next 40 odd years my mother and us kids visited Raukkan & our family frequently but mum never returned to live as she remained in fear of losing other children. Out of my mothers  9 children all but 2 (the youngest) were removed from her care. We are The Stolen Generation..out of 9 only 3 of us lived at Raukkan & only 4 return now.

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